4 Mistakes You’re Making When Manifesting

We’ve preached the power of positive thinking and manifestation before – and we’re not the only ones. Celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey and Jim Carrey have talked about using the practice of manifestation as a stepping stone to creating the reality they desired. However, as impactful as this practice can be, it can also easily be misunderstood.

A common misconception is believing that your desires will come to fruition simply because you have expressed them. This is only half the work! 

As simple as the concept may be, manifestation can be tricky to master and requires commitment and consistency to your desires and goals. 

In this journal entry, we shed light on some of the common mistakes people make when manifesting their goals; mistakes which may be preventing their dreams from becoming a reality. But first, let’s revisit the definition of what manifestation is and what it entails.

An introduction to manifestation

In essence, the principle of manifestation is built upon the “law of attraction” – the belief that our desires can be brought to life through positive thinking patterns; that the energy you project into the universe will be reciprocated and reflected back to you. 

It’s important to note that it’s not just belief alone that grants success; although this will be hugely helpful in reinforcing the actions that bring you closer to your goals. In practice, manifestation allows you to replace limiting and self-destructive beliefs with empowered and adaptive thoughts using cognitive reframing techniques such as affirmations and visualisation. 

To help you reap the most rewards from your efforts, below are some common mistakes people make when manifesting. 

4 Common manifesting mistakes

1. Expecting instant results 

Instant gratification is something we chase in our modern lives, for good reason. Information, shopping, entertainment and communication are instantly available at our fingertips, every moment of every day – whether it’s via our phones, computers, tablets or any other number of devices.

This leads us away from the disciplines of patience and persistence. Manifestation takes time, effort and practice. And when you begin to feel the benefits from taking your goals slowly and seriously, it makes it all the more rewarding when they come to fruition.

2. Lacking clarity in what you want

Are you clear on exactly the future you want to achieve? When we’re too broad with our goals, it’s difficult to establish the steps we need to take to get there. For example, if your goal is to be more financially stable or comfortable, what does this look like? Simply projecting the desire for more wealth is not enough. What career do you desire? What does your workday look like? How many hours are you wanting to spend dedicated to your job?

Or perhaps you desire love and a lifelong partner. Dig deeper: what does your ideal relationship look like? What are the qualities you look for and what needs must they meet for you to feel fulfilled? Without clarity on details such as these, you may settle for a reality that only ticks one box, instead of chasing one that satisfies all of your needs and desires. 

3. Remaining rigid in your desired outcome and pathway to it

If you’re focusing too much on the destination, you’ll miss the journey. And it’s the journey that determines your success! The path you find yourself on may not be exactly what you expected, but it may be the best one to lead you to what you desire, or perhaps what you never realised you could achieve or have. It’s important to be open and flexible towards unexpected opportunities in order to welcome the positive change that awaits you.

4. Being unrealistic

We all have limitations to what we can achieve in our reality. We must simply be aware of these and consider them. 

How firm are the boundaries? How far can we push them? 

They don’t have to hold you back, but being oblivious to them will only leave you wondering why your efforts aren’t reaping the rewards you expect. A helpful way to think about it is that you can set your ultimate goal and begin manifesting it into reality, as long as you can accompany this with action. As we mentioned, positive thinking is powerful and allows us to be open to the changes we desire, but this must be accompanied by action on our behalf. Each are interdependent.

Manifestation is a wonderful and impactful exercise when done correctly. If you’ve fallen into any of these traps above (which is easy to do!) this may explain any blockage to your progress. Instead, we advise that you:

  • Have patience
  • Practice gratitude for the small things
  • Be careful with your energy
  • Trust that success is on its way

If you need additional guidance to alter your way of thinking and master manifestation, our exceptional health experts are here to help our guests during their stay. Click here to submit your booking enquiry and a member of our team will be in touch to discuss what we can do for you at Eden Health Retreat.